Conference: Development of anticorrosion coatings to work under liquid metal environments Name: Dr. Raquel González Arrabal Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid Country: Spain
Conference: Using laser irradiation to produce hollow nanoparticles Name: Dr. Ovidio Yordanis Peña Rodríguez Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid Country: Spain
Conference: New test methodologies to analyse lubricated surfaces of machines Name: Dr. Enrique Chacon Tanarro Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid Country: Spain
Conference: Enhancement of the mechanical properties of carbon polymer nanocomposites through the simultaneous application of ultrahigh shear rates and very high pressures Name: Dr. Guillermo Fernández Zapico Institution: TriboBlend, Madrid Country: Spain
Conference: Yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying at CENAPROT: process analysis and infiltration behavior against volcanic ashes Name: Dr. Juan Muñoz Saldaña Institution: Laboratorio Nacional de Proyección, Querétaro Country: Mexico