Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials
Social programs

FORISTOM contributes to society by strengthening academic and scientific processes through social programs focused on research, technology development, innovation, and education on science, engineering, and materials nanotechnology.
chrome_reader_mode We organize national and international meetings and conferences for researchers, businesspeople, professors, professionals, and graduate and undergraduate students.
chrome_reader_mode Support the divulgation, circulation, socialization, transfer, and appropriation of academic and scientific knowledge of research, technological development, and innovation in science, engineering, nanotechnology, and other materials disciplines through the editions of scientific journals and publications.
chrome_reader_mode Perform active and effective knowledge transfer academic and scientific in schools and universities.
chrome_reader_mode We provide training and scientific support for adolescents in science, engineering, and nanotechnology of materials for social inclusion.
chrome_reader_mode We support the master's and doctoral studies of Colombian students in science, engineering, and nanotechnology of materials for social inclusion.