Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials

The services that FORISTOM could perform are listed below.
chrome_reader_mode Evaluate and review research proposals and projects.
chrome_reader_mode Manage, organize, and logistics of academic and scientific events.
chrome_reader_mode Editing, formatting, revising, and evaluating papers for scientific and academic journals.
chrome_reader_mode Review, evaluate, edit, and publish editorial procedures of academic and scientific open-access papers for the Conference Series of the Institute of Physics Publishing.
chrome_reader_mode CPerform consulting services in science, engineering, nanotechnology of materials in energy, manufacturing, and oil sectors, industrial instrumentation and control, information technologies, education, and social inclusion.
chrome_reader_mode Perform development and investigation activities (I+D) of superficial molecular deposition upon specific materials using plasma technologies.
chrome_reader_mode Execute academic and scientific activities for educational purposes.
chrome_reader_mode Edit academic and scientific articles in English/Spanish language.